Finale of Teaching Students Science

Take Aways from Teaching Science Methods: 5534

Over the course of the semester I have learned many new techniques, methods, and beneficial technology and websites I can use in my future teaching. But even more, I have learned how to create a well-written direct lesson plan and inquiry lesson plan. This process, and the feedback I have received has molded me into a better educator. I now feel more confident when teaching, and learned how to run a smooth lesson. I learned about the 5E's this semester, which was new to me. I now see this implemented in the science classrooms I work in. I realize how the 5Es are effective when teaching students science. Over the course of the semester, I have gained a new understanding to all of the components that make up a direct and inquiry lesson. I have made lesson plans in the past, but this course helped me take my knowledge to a new level. I have even created a unit plan (which I thought I was incapable of doing). I have grown as not only a graduate student this semester, but also an educator. I was faced with difficulties during my fieldwork lesson (students I didn't know, teaching a lesson I didn't know, tough behaviors, etc.) and from pushing through the lesson and trying my best I am one step closer to becoming an effective teacher. Teachers are thrown obstacles they are not ready for every day, and we must learn from them and grow. Besides plenty of new technology sites and tricks learned, by biggest take aways from this course has been becoming more confident in writing lesson plans using effective strategies, and implanting effective lesson plans with the use of technology. 

More take aways I hope to keep in mind and use in my future teaching:
⇾ FlipGrid
⇾ Creating hyperlinks
⇾ Google Classroom
⇾Google Slides
⇾Google Sites (eFolio) 


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