Adapting the Science Curriculum

Adapting the Science Curriculum
Chapter 9

Effective ways to adapt the science curriculum for children from diverse cultural backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children with special gifts or talents...

For English Language Learners:
  • Having science reading materials for non-English speakers readily available 
  • Reinforcing reading and language arts skills
  • Organizing peer tutoring
  • Fostering parent/classroom science connections
For Students with Special Needs:
  • Inclusion: inclusion of special needs students and typical students
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Accommodations and modifications (on IEP)
  • Science experiences provided to children with visual impairments (activities and reading materials should be reconfigured)
  • Science experiences for students with hearing impairments 
  • Science experiences for students with physical impairments
  • Science experiences for students with emotional problems
  • Science experiences for students with learning disabilities
For Gifted Students/ Talented Students:
  • Day-to-day enrichment activities
  • Challenge Projects
As a teacher, I will be faced with challenges daily. I will have unique learners who all have different needs. I feel prepared to meet all the needs of my learners, especially for science after reading the recommendations to make in science classrooms based on the different types of learners I may be faced with. I will most likely be working with students with special needs since that's what my certification will be in. I feel I am provided with plenty of suggestions, ideas, technology and resources to make my science classroom work with my students who will have a variety of special needs. 


  1. Hi Jenn,

    This a great post with a lot of techniques for adapting science curriculum and really any curriculum. By being in the classroom and being a student myself I am aware how vast the learning styles/needs can be for students. There are great techniques to adapt curriculum under many circumstances. Thanks for the ideas!


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