Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed The Earth

Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed The Earth
By: Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm

We had the opportunity to create book trailers in Science Methods. It was an interesting experience that I really enjoyed. I like being creative and making videos, so I took this assignment and put my all into it. I chose the book Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed the Earth by Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm. The book introduces fossil fuels and explains how they are changing our Earth and what we can do to change this. My video leaves a hook leaving readers wondering what we can do next. This would be a great way for students to become engaged in the beginning of a lesson. This would also be an effective way for students to create their own videos. This assignment could be used in any subject to introduce a book and leave other students wanting to read it. Along with the experience of creating a book trailer, I had the opportunity to research the effects of trade books and create a hand out to my peers entitled: Book Trailer. Below my book trailer is provided, I encourage you to watch it! But watch out, you may be hooked and heading to the library soon to read the book for yourself!


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