Constructing Knowledge and Discovering Meaning

How Children Learn About Science
Chapter 2

"Science is an ongoing process" 
(Derosa & Abruscato, 2015)

Science is based on evidence, and seeking explanations based on evidence. It all starts with students coming prepared with prior knowledge on a topic and having questions to build off of.

This chapter discusses how students and people are never finished learning, it's an "ongoing process." When it comes to science, to learn science, one must do science.

A modern way students learn science is through: Constructivism.
"Constructivism is a theory of human learning that is rooted in cognition of psychology and, to a lesser extent, behavioral psychology. It provides modern science teachers invaluable guidance" (DeRosa & Abruscato, 2015, p. 24).

Three Principles to Constructivism:
1. Naive Conceptions
2. Assimilation 
3. Accommodation

When creating science lessons for my classroom it is essential to use UDL (universal design for learning) for differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all my learners. Alternative learning styles is something I will be faced with and I must be prepared to teach all my unique learners. Some approaches the chapter discusses are: 

Multiple means of representation (providing learners with various ways of acquiring knowledge)
Multiple means of expression (providing learners with alternatives for demonstrating what they know and learn)
Multiple means of engagement (using learners' interests, challenging them appropriately, and motivating them to learn)


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