
Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed The Earth

Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed The Earth By: Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm We had the opportunity to create book trailers in Science Methods. It was an interesting experience that I really enjoyed. I like being creative and making videos, so I took this assignment and put my all into it. I chose the book Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed the Earth by Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm. The book introduces fossil fuels and explains how they are changing our Earth and what we can do to change this. My video leaves a hook leaving readers wondering what we can do next. This would be a great way for students to become engaged in the beginning of a lesson. This would also be an effective way for students to create their own videos. This assignment could be used in any subject to introduce a book and leave other students wanting to read it. Along with the experience of creating a book trailer, I had the opportunity to research the effects of trade books an

Finale of Teaching Students Science

Take Aways from Teaching Science Methods: 5534 Over the course of the semester I have learned many new techniques, methods, and beneficial technology and websites I can use in my future teaching. But even more, I have learned how to create a well-written direct lesson plan and inquiry lesson plan. This process, and the feedback I have received has molded me into a better educator. I now feel more confident when teaching, and learned how to run a smooth lesson. I learned about the 5E's this semester, which was new to me. I now see this implemented in the science classrooms I work in. I realize how the 5Es are effective when teaching students science. Over the course of the semester, I have gained a new understanding to all of the components that make up a direct and inquiry lesson. I have made lesson plans in the past, but this course helped me take my knowledge to a new level. I have even created a unit plan (which I thought I was incapable of doing). I have grown as not

Adapting the Science Curriculum

Adapting the Science Curriculum Chapter 9 Effective ways to adapt the science curriculum for children from diverse cultural backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children with special gifts or talents... For English Language Learners: Having science reading materials for non-English speakers readily available  Reinforcing reading and language arts skills Organizing peer tutoring Fostering parent/classroom science connections For Students with Special Needs: Inclusion: inclusion of special needs students and typical students Differentiated Instruction Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Accommodations and modifications (on IEP) Science experiences provided to children with visual impairments (activities and reading materials should be reconfigured) Science experiences for students with hearing impairments  Science experiences for students with physical impairments Science experiences for students with emotional problems Science experiences for stud

Science, Engineering, and Technology

Science, Engineering, and Technology  Chapter 7 & 8 Science is always adapting, changing, and incorporating new ways of teaching it. Today, science has so much more to it than just science. Chapter 7 and 8 in the text discuss how science incorporates engineering and technology.  When it comes to engineering it can be incorporated into a lesson in a variety of ways in every subject (language arts, mathematics, social studies, art, music, health, physical education, etc).  The Next Generation Science Standards  require teachers to incorporate engineering in the classroom. To check out more on engineering in the classroom, check out the article provided below.  Why Engineering for Children? Technology Enhancing Science Learning Technology is engaging for students! It encourages  curiosity and questions. Students connect with technology. It enhances student learning by providing immediate feedback, visual demonstrations, and self-paced learning.  What techn

Strategies, Quick Checks, and Assessments in Inquiry

Strategies, Quick Checks, and Assessments in Inquiry Based Lessons: Chapters 5 & 6 Over the course of the semester I was able to not only learn from our text about useful strategies, quick checks with students, and sufficient assessments to use in inquiry based lessons, but I have also had the opportunity to implement and practice these strategies and assessments.  "How can I effectively create an inviting science discover space, encourage science talk, and foster cooperative learning in my science classroom?" (p. 72) Adding life to the classroom: such as setting up an aquarium or adding plants! Consider other senses: fill the room with sounds such as jungles, woodlands, animal noises, etc., this inspires curiosity and questions.   Distributing materials: Make appropriate techniques to distribute materials such as asking 2 to 3 students to help Provide work areas: extra space students can work at Providing clear directions  Create routines in the class

Planning and Managing for an Inquiry Based Lesson

Chapters 3 & 4 In chapters three and four of our text, it helps prepare future teachers to teach and inquiry based lesson. Chapter 3 focuses on what an inquiry lesson consists of, and chapter 4 helps teach methods of planning and managing for an inquiry lesson.  Inquiry is... "The careful and systematic method of asking questions and seeking explanations" (p. 38) In our inquiry lesson, students were asked a question "How did the fire begin in the house?" they then had to "seek explanations" by conducting research to come to a final solution of how the fire occurred. Once the research concluded and students found their answers, they presented their information using FlipGrid and wrote a letter to conclude the project about how they could help save the environment. With an inquiry lesson, students learn by constructing knowledge through asking questions, seeking evidence, and justifying their explanations.   Practices that sh

Constructing Knowledge and Discovering Meaning

How Children Learn About Science Chapter 2 "Science is an ongoing process"   (Derosa & Abruscato, 2015) Science is based on evidence, and seeking explanations based on evidence. It all starts with students coming prepared with prior knowledge on a topic and having questions to build off of. This chapter discusses how students and people are never finished learning, it's an "ongoing process." When it comes to science, to learn science, one must do science. A modern way students learn science is through: Constructivism . "Constructivism is a theory of human learning that is rooted in cognition of psychology and, to a lesser extent, behavioral psychology. It provides modern science teachers invaluable guidance" (DeRosa & Abruscato, 2015, p. 24). Three Principles to Constructivism: 1. Naive Conceptions 2. Assimilation  3. Accommodation When creating science lessons for my classroom it is essential to use UDL (univers