Fieldwork Group 3

Monday, October 22:
Secondary Effects from Climate Change

Tonight, the third group presented on the secondary effects of climate change. This group included an interesting approach at teaching, which gave me some ideas for when I become a teacher. Direct instruction included teaching the students about effects on the body due to a result from climate change. I liked the use of Google Forms that this group used, but the students did need more visuals to deeper understand the concept being taught. In the inquiry lesson, the group began with a PowToon of a chairwoman on the board for Climate Change. All of the students were engaged and ready to learn. The scientific method was reviewed in depth before creating a hypothesis or starting research. The students took a couple minutes to turn and talk about their hypothesis, this was a great method to use to get students thinking. If a student was unsure about their hypothesis, a turn and talk could allow them to hear another idea and make sense of their hypothesis before writing it down. After researching, the students had to fill out a pre-made slide show with their information and present their findings to the class. I thought this was a great way for students to present what they have learned, and it allows for other students to learn about a new topic. Lastly, Nicole and Gerald had the students write a letter to the board of Climate Change. This is a great way to test a students knowledge for independent practice. It makes them feel as if what they have to say can make a difference. I would even recommend having students send these letters to the board to voice their opinions. I enjoyed observing this group present their lesson plan, as I feel I have learned new ideas that I cannot wait to incorporate in my future teaching.


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