Combustion - Lesson Plan 1

On Monday October 1, Maria, Tori, and I had our first lesson plan. I learned a lot from delivering this lesson plan. It is so different to actually give a lesson, compared to observing one. I felt all types of emotions as we only had a week to prepare and did not have time to run through our lesson beforehand. We had a wide range of students from elementary school to middle school. I believe we accommodated as best as we possibly could due to the different levels we had in our class. The students reacted positively to using Pear Deck on the computers. I think it would have been helpful to give them a mini-lesson on Pear Deck before using it in our lesson, as it took time away from our lesson when students needed assistance. I felt our inquiry lesson was interesting and interactive. The students enjoyed researching to see what caused the fire in the house. Powtoon is an awesome tool to make lessons engaging and exciting for students. I plan to use it for all subjects when I have my own classroom. The lesson ended by the students recording their data of what they had discovered during their research on FlipGrid. The students had a blast videotaping themselves. They felt like real detectives reporting what caused the fire in the house. The students all came to the same findings of what caused the fire, and they all learned what combustion was, as we reviewed it several times. We had many flaws in our lesson and many things we need to fix for future lessons. More time to plan next time would really benefit us. This lesson was a learning experience, although it did not go as smoothly as we hoped, we got the main learning target across to our students. I am taking this experience and growing from it.

Image result for growing from mistakes


  1. Hi Jenn,

    Your group definitely took on the huge task of going first and I thought it was a great example of how to use direct instruction as well as inquiry based learning. By the end of the direct instruction the students without a doubt could define combustion as well as the elements needed for combustion to occur. Your group was very explicit in teaching the vocabulary which furthered the success of the inquiry lesson. For your inquiry lesson I was in awe of your use of PowToon. I think it was engaging and made the task at hand seem more authentic. If I had to do elementary all over again I would want to be in your science classroom. Similar to what I found in the inquiry section of our lesson, I wish I had had more time with the kids as well as more kids. I think the couple of kids that were left over at the end of your lesson really enjoyed the Flipgrid, and making it like a news report again brought an authenticity to it.



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