After having some difficulties figuring out how to get onto the link for, I finally got on and got to see what it had to provide for students of all ages on all subjects and topics. I played around with The Scientific Method and Making a Hypothesis. First the lesson provides a video with great visuals and information. Below the video is even more information. When the video is over the student then goes on to take a brief quiz on the lesson. I could see myself using this in my classroom as a homework assignment or an in class activity after introducing a new topic. This would be a great way to assess my students on how well they understood the lesson without giving them a grade. I could tell if I had to go over the topic again, if the students were ready to move on, or if I had to work with a small group of students to catch them up. It seems this website could be pricey, but if the school I worked for provided this website, it would be a great tool to use as assessments for myself and extra practice for my students. Not only could I use this in science, but many other subjects as well!

I believe technology is important to incorporate into a classroom. Every student learns in different ways and technology will help many students of today's generation because they are growing up with technology all around them. Websites like are great study tools that will benefit my students, myself, and even parents!


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