How Will I Influence the Future of Science?

On Monday, August 27 I attended my first class of Methods of Science and Technology. I quickly learned this class would be much different than other courses I have taken in the past. Dr. Smirnova is very engaging, just like the educator I inspire to be one day. Right off the bat we were provided with videos and resources we can use as future educators and she even brought in guest speakers! Immediately in class, my brain started flowing with excitement and ideas on what I could do to make science engaging and interactive in my classroom. After watching the videos provided in class, questions started brewing in my head such as: How would I teach that in my classroom? What can I do to help? What can I do to make science engaging and purposeful? How will I make a difference in the future of science as a whole? 

When I found the quote above by Edward Teller, it made me think that the science I teach my students will be the science and technology of the future. It it is important I make a positive impact on these students' lives, and their science adventure they will embark on. You never know when you'll have the next Albert Einstein in your classroom. It is important to implant the beauty and excitement of science into students at a young age, because they are the future of science. And we all know, science is constantly growing! As all of these began popping into my head, I decided to keep a log of notes in class of ways I can share the importance and thrill of science into young minds. I look forward to learning new technology and the methods I need to fulfill all of my students needs and wants in science. There is so much science and technology to learn, and I cannot wait to embark on this journey of growing my science knowledge so I can share it with my future students in engaging and exciting ways. 

Here are questions I want to continue thinking about for this semester and would like to hear your personal views/ feedback:
Why is learning science so important?
How will I influence the future of science as an educator?

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