
Showing posts from September, 2018

After having some difficulties figuring out how to get onto the link for , I finally got on and got to see what it had to provide for students of all ages on all subjects and topics. I played around with The Scientific Method and Making a Hypothesis. First the lesson provides a video with great visuals and information. Below the video is even more information. When the video is over the student then goes on to take a brief quiz on the lesson. I could see myself using this in my classroom as a homework assignment or an in class activity after introducing a new topic. This would be a great way to assess my students on how well they understood the lesson without giving them a grade. I could tell if I had to go over the topic again, if the students were ready to move on, or if I had to work with a small group of students to catch them up. It seems this website could be pricey, but if the school I worked for provided this website, it would be a great tool to use as assessments

Dr. Edelstein -- The Climate Reality Project

"Not a very happy situation, it's hard to turn back now." ☾ ☀ Dr. Edelstein ☁  The Climate Reality Project ☂ We had the pleasure of having the guest speaker Dr. Edelstein come into our classroom and discuss his expertise on climate change. He is part of the The Climate Reality Project. I knew minimal information on climate change before his presentation. I was introduced to new words and information I was unaware about, how to teach climate change to my future students, why and how climate change is occurring, as well as what we can do. I feel much more comfortable being able to discuss this topic with my future classrooms after listening to his presentation.  One word I took away from Dr. Edelstein's presentation was adaptation.  He described adaptation as: "adjustments we need to make to deal with climate change." We as teachers must be prepared to teach our students how to adapt and make adjustments to deal with climate change. He mention

Scientific Me!

Science… where do I start? My earliest memories with science are exploring the outdoors on my own. I have always been curious of creatures, forests, and the weather. Second grade is my first memory of science in school. I remember learning about the solar system. It fascinated me. I like to think this is where my passion for science developed. I remember making planets out of clay; I put my heart in sole into this project. I loved art already so being able to tie in my love for art helped me develop a love for science. I was full of questions about science then, as well as now. Through elementary school I remember doing few science experiments/ lessons such as the life of a butterfly, electricity, and the solar system. It wasn’t until middle school when I realized science would be my favorite subject in school. Science never came easy for me, I had to work at it, but I have always loved it because there is so much to learn, so many questions to ask, and it is always changing.  Sev

How Will I Influence the Future of Science?

On Monday, August 27 I attended my first class of Methods of Science and Technology. I quickly learned this class would be much different than other courses I have taken in the past. Dr. Smirnova is very engaging, just like the educator I inspire to be one day. Right off the bat we were provided with videos and resources we can use as future educators and she even brought in guest speakers! Immediately in class, my brain started flowing with excitement and ideas on what I could do to make science engaging and interactive in my classroom. After watching the videos provided in class, questions started brewing in my head such as: How would I teach that in my classroom? What can I do to help? What can I do to make science engaging and purposeful? How will I make a difference in the future of science as a whole?  When I found the quote above by Edward Teller, it made me think that the science I teach my students will be the science and technology of the future . It it is important