Reflecting on Fieldwork Experience

Over the last six or so weeks, I had the opportunity to spend time with and teach a lovely group of students at Bishop Dunn Memorial School. There were a variety of grade levels (2nd grade up to 7th grade) and a variety of different needs which made teaching difficult at times, but helped me grow as an educator. You never know what will be thrown at you in the world of teaching, and by teaching a variety of students of different grades and different needs, helps prepare me for the future. Before completing my fieldwork with Dr. Smirnova in Science Methods, I had never experienced lesson planning like this before. I feel I now have a better understanding about what she expects of us, as well as a better understanding of all the components of teaching science. I knew in the past the difference between direct instruction and an inquiry lesson, but after practicing these lessons and observing my peers I now believe I understand 100% what is expected when creating and giving these types of lessons. I feel I have grown from making mistakes, attempting these lessons myself, and observing my peers teaching. I had a chance to experience the lesson for myself and then sit back and think about everything I would change for my next lesson. I learned that technology is a key component of teaching in today's world. Students are surrounded by technology everyday, and when it is incorporated into lessons, it makes for high engagement. Not only did Dr. Smirnova teach us many different sites to use to make our lessons engaging, but I also learned new sites from my peers. After this experience, I feel more confident to be able to go out and successfully teach an engaging science lesson! 


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